Contact Us

NPO TRACOS has been supported by a significant number of people since 2003, but still we need a various types of aid. If you need more information on our activities, or if you want to play soccer with us as a volunteer, please feel free to contact us.

When English is your preferred language, we appreciate it if you could contact us via email rather than by phone as English-speaking staff are not present all the time. It may take a little while before we can get back to you, but we will do so as soon as we can.

TEL / FAX 03-5879-5879
Contact us via Email

Volunteer Enquiry Form

If you're interest in volunteering with TRACOS, please fill out the Volunteer Contact Form. We will be in contact within a few working days.

Volunteer Contact Form

Trial Lesson Application Form | 体験参加申し込みフォーム

Please note that there’s no English speaking coach in our practice sessions. Japanese is the language used to communicate verbally and in writing (emails, forms, etc).

ごちゅういください:トラッソスには えいごを はなすコーチがいません。おといあわせへのおへんじや、スクールでのコミュニケーションは すべて にほんごです。

スクールのれんしゅうに むりょうで2かい さんかできます。けんがくまたはたいけんきぼうのかたは、 たいけんさんかもうしこみフォームからおもうこみください。